Sunday, December 25, 2011


     In “Journey to Health: Ready, Set, Go”, I shared what first grabbed my attention about my need for better health.   Now, I’d like to focus on what inspired me to do something about it.  One of the greatest building blocks to success in fitness and weight loss is to find people who inspire you.  People who have left behind footprints for you to follow; people who share lessons that you can learn from; people who motivate you and are willing to walk with you on your journey.  Take a step with me, and read the first of a 3-part series “Footprints”.  And as you read, I challenge you to think of someone who has inspired you.   


Footprints of A Classmate

     Facebook is a great tool for re-connecting with people from your past.  Quite a few of my classmates have taken inspirational paths, either in their careers or in their personal lives.  A couple of classmates grabbed my attention because of their devotion to fitness.  One who inspired me greatly is Vanessa.  

     Vanessa and I became friends in middle school.  However, like in many young friendships, we made other friends and developed different interests.   We never become best friends, but I believe there was always a mutual liking and respect that lasted through high school.  I always saw Vanessa as someone who was kind and genuine.  I will never forget pulling up for my 10th high school reunion.  It was August, and I was 6 months pregnant with my first child.  My husband and I had just driven 4 hours in the summer heat with no air conditioning; aka – windows down.  Remind you, it was the early 90’s.  Remember all that big hair?  Well, suffice it to say I was not a pretty sight.   I got the duty of checking into the hotel while he parked, and I remember saying, “If I run into anyone, I’ll just die.”   And guess who I ran into…Vanessa and her friends.  I tried to blink twice to be invisible, but that didn’t work.  And it’s okay because I’ll never forget how genuinely excited she was to see me.  “Hey guys look! It’s Rickie!”  I think the earth swallowed me up right then – or maybe I just wished it did.   Every time I look back on that, though, my heart is warmed.   It’s one of those times that “made a difference”.

     So it was extra cool for me when I saw Vanessa’s Facebook pictures.  Simply, she and her husband are part of a team, and they train and race in triathlons.  Here I was, 14 years later, feeling like I was starting down the slippery slope, and there she was going up the slope full speed.  She looked great, she was part of a team, and she was also using this gift to raise awareness for a cause she believed in.  I loved all of those things!   I could see from her pictures that it took a lot of time and dedication, but I could also see that it brought her joy.  Although I never took the time or courage to ask her much about it, she inspired me.  I wanted a piece of that! 

     Vanessa is fighting her own personal battle right now.  We are kind of formal in our communications, but I can tell that she is a fighter, that she is strong, and that she will overcome.   Sometimes when I am in spin class and I feel like giving up, I think of her - knowing how hard she must have trained and knowing how much she probably wishes she could right now.  But I am confident that if she hasn’t already begun, she will be one day soon.

     So, I dedicate this post to Vanessa, in thanks, for leaving me footprints that I can follow on my journey.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Seasons Change

     Fall ended in perfection - a 70-degree day that turned into a cool night.  The day was spent helping neighbors rake leaves, the evening spent raking my own.  The kids on our street played great together all day, and we ended the night roasting marshmallows at the fire pit.  Everyone was sticky and dirty, exhausted and happy!  If only every season in my life ended so well!  Although I know that winter's sting is just around the corner, I am grateful for those very moments in time.  

     Something new that I've recently started is that when I experience something that just feels great and peaceful, I stop and thank God.  I thank Him for that very moment in time, what was happening, and the way it made me feel.  It's been transformational and helps me through frustrations and hard times alike.  It gives me that spring of hope, the reminder that - whatever it is - this too shall pass and even if it takes a while, there are still warm moments of summer woven throughout my life.

     A different season is coming to my blog too.  Lately, it seems like when I have something to post, it points back to my journey to health.  I have a few posts to put up (actually they may be on the subject as well...) but I'd like shift my focus and begin using my "Journey to Health" page to give you information about nutrition, fitness, and wholeness.  My journey isn't just physical; it's also mental, emotional, and spiritual - wholeness is the only way for the changes to stick.  Have you ever seen a workout DVD where the trainer tells you that you stink and are weak?  Of course not - that's because it all begins in your mind.  You have to think it, believe it, and live it for change to occur, whether it's in your workouts, your relationships, your self-esteem...whatever journey you're on. 

     One of the trainers at the gym inspired me after my back injury.  She told me that my body will be able to pick back up where I left off; I just needed to be patient.  It had been months since I had consistently been to the gym; I truly thought she was high on armpit fumes.  But you know what, she was right.  I took it slowly and carefully for a few weeks, and this Saturday I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill again and I felt like I could do more.  I was back to where I was before I got hurt.  Tonight, I ran 2 miles. Truthfully, I probably would have given up at some point if she hadn't given me that encouragement and hope.  I didn't think I would ever feel strong again, I didn't think I would ever be able to work out like I had been.  Her encouragement and positive spirit put it in my mind and gave me the hope to entertain the thought, and now I believe.  Part of me living it is sharing my journey with you. 

     Please continue to visit and find the hope and inspiration that you need to start or to keep going on your own personal journey.  I'll be giving you information you can use and also some positive and encouraging thoughts and experiences.  (Eventually, I will be combining some of my current pages and adding some pics, so it may look different soon.)  Here's to a new season!

If you've ever people watched, then you know there is an astounding number of people in our nation who are unhealthy.  Let's make a change, starting with our corner of the world. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Am A Wounded Beast

     The unthinkable has happened – after months of working out, I have injured my back…by standing up crooked.  Yes, standing up crooked.   Insult to my injury was that once the pain subsided, I re-injured it by pushing a rug aside with my foot.  Yes, for real.  Nothing glorious, no heroic story to tell.  Just a common everyday occurrence that has me down – for now. 

     Soul searching is in order. I refuse to go down without a fight, and when I come back up I want to bring something with me and emerge stronger. Sometimes there is no answer for why. There is no rhyme or reason. There’s just an “okay so this is what you have, what are you going to do with it?”

     I know for one that this has made me more empathetic towards people with chronic pain. Everyday tasks are difficult and the sense of a nagging, constant pain has left me growling on more than one occasion. But although growling and whining may make me feel better, it pushes away those that I love. 
~ I can choose to be a victim or a victor. I choose victory! ~
     It’s been easier to focus more on what I can’t do than on what I can do. It’s mind over matter some days. When my body is not on my side, I want to give up and give in. Food choices slip, anxiety creeps in, focus gets lost – so that’s why it’s mind over matter. 
~ I can choose to succumb or I can choose to overcome. I choose to overcome! ~
     Now that my pain is subsiding, I find myself afraid to press on. What if it happens again? What if I have a bad day? What if I do that something that brings me pain and sets me back again? To that, I must tell myself: “Blah, blah”. 
~ I can choose to live in fear and never know what I can accomplish, or I can choose to live courageously and reach far beyond my wildest dreams. I choose courage! ~
     It would be foolish to press on without care, but it would be even more foolish to lie in wait. If one part of my body becomes weak, I need to strengthen it while I continue to take care of the rest of it. Just like it doesn’t make sense to pray only when I have trouble, it makes no sense to only eat well when I have perfect attendance at the gym. Eating well feeds my mind and my soul, as well as my body. It provides the foundation for my body to pick up and get going. Candidly, these past few weeks I haven’t made some of the best choices. I’ve allowed myself to slip back into old habits and patterns – for example, increased caffeine intake, decreased water intake, sugar binges, lack of protein - and I feel it. I feel tired, sluggish, sometimes even a little down, and I don’t want it. I have no doubt it’s because I’m not fueling my body properly. Even if I can’t exercise at full speed yet, I can still take care of myself from the inside out, so I’ll be ready to go when it’s time. 
~ I’m committed to getting back on track. ~
     We always need to remember that there is no magic pill for health. It is care and consistency. This is a journey. It’s not a sprint, it’s not even a marathon. It’s a lifelong journey - becoming strong and healthy in body, mind, and soul, one day a time, until the days are no more. So the choice is ours – it’s mine but it’s also yours – be afraid and give in or step out in courage and overcome with victory. 
~ What’s your choice? ~

Friday, September 30, 2011

Focus on Your Prize

(This was written with teenagers in mind, but really goes for anyone.  Happy reading!)
     As I was pushing through my leg workout at the gym a couple weeks ago, my thoughts were crashed with the image of something that had recently disturbed me.  I have been working hard at the gym for a few months.  My body is toning up, my muscles are developing, my heart is strengthening… it’s been going great!  Well, I noticed another woman my age who has also been working out.  She started out with an entirely different body shape, more weight to lose, and I was really happy for her – until I saw her legs.  Her legs had more muscle definition than mine – like a lot more.   Pop!  Out came that green stripe of envy down my back.  And Boom!  Down crashed the self-confidence and self-esteem that I had developed from working so hard and getting results.  Once again, I didn’t measure up.  Someone was better than me.  I was not enough.   And as I was pushing through the leg curl machine, all those thoughts came crashing in like a tidal wave.  Until….  

      Until I heard that small voice say, “Don’t look to the left. Don’t look to the right. Look straight ahead. Focus on your prize.” Ouch – how many times have I given that piece of advice to others? It does us no good to play the comparison game. As a teenager, I had the self-esteem of a slug because I lost that game every time. There was always someone who was prettier, someone who had better clothes, someone who seemed to have more friends, someone who got better grades, someone who was way cooler than me…. Anything sound familiar? As an adult, because I didn’t squash it like a bug as a teen, I’ve got these negative tapes that still play in my head when I’m caught off guard. Who needs that?

      I sure don’t, and I believe that God used this petty example in my life to bring about something bigger. To remind you beautiful teenagers that God has a plan designed especially for you. Please - don’t look to the left or look to the right, or you will miss it. It’s so easy to get caught up in keeping up with your peers that you lose sight of your prize – of the hope and the total confidence that is only going to come from your relationship with Jesus. You are beautiful! Maybe your classmate is funnier – but maybe he is also lonely. Maybe the girl in your math class does dress better – but maybe she has a rotten relationship with her parents and the only way they show her love is by buying her things. Maybe that guy in science is really cool – but there’s a good chance he has no idea who he is. That’s part of being a teenager – no one really knows who they are. Everyone is searching, everyone is copying, some people just fake it better than others. Focus on your prize – discover who you are, realize how much God loves you and how precious you are to Him.
      As for me and my green stripe? I have washed my back and am looking straight ahead!
~ If you are comparing yourself to others and feeling that you don’t measure up, then stop. Literally, tell yourself “Stop” out loud if you have to.
Stop looking to the left and looking to the right.
Focus on your prize and God’s love for you. ~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Thieves Can't Steal

     Summer is sadly over. Vacation was great, but now it's back to the reality and routine of fall.  To kick it off, I met one of my fitness goals and got my bike fixed. (Journey to Health: Goals: Shoot and Score)  I am super excited!  You see, a year ago someone stole my bike right off my front porch.  I was devastated.  You have to understand - I *l.o.v.e* my bike!  The very first time I sat on it, it fit like a glove and was perfect for me. So, when I went to report it to the police, I almost cried when I saw my bike sitting in the "cage" outside of the station. Apparently the flat tire waiting to be fixed deterred the thief, so he/she stole the seat & seat post and ditched the bike. Hopping back on the saddle today felt amazing!  Not only did I get my bike fixed, I stopped at a local trail and rode 11.8 miles.  Sweet!  :)

~ Do you have a goal that you need to meet?  Stop making excuses, stop ignoring it - get moving!  Just like the freedom of riding a bike, you will feel freedom when you move towards your goal then conquer it.  ~


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Possbilites in a Sunrise

     Today's post is dedicated to my son Micah on his 11th birthday.  I'll never forget watching the sun with my son...  :)   Always remember that your life is full of endless possibilites, set aside especially for you by God Himself. 

   I just witnessed the sky giving birth to the sun. Beautiful and fitting as I held my youngest son Micah in the earliest hours of his 11th birthday. We watched the entire sky brighten as the sun made its way to the surface. No clouds in sight as a sliver of orange began to appear on the horizon. Out of that sliver, the sun began to emerge. First pink as it peeked its top through, then turning a bright and powerful orange as it made its entrance into today. My camera couldn’t even capture the magnificence! The surrounding horizon was captured in its beauty, changing colors in response. First blue’s reflected off the ocean, and then purples and pinks floated to the surface. It’s one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen. And now as I look at the sun in the sky it is blazing yellow, like the pictures we drew as kids. The skies are blue, but around the sun is still glowing a beautiful and radiant orange. People are coming out; a man is fishing to the south, a couple is walking their toddler looking for beach treasures to the north. Only God knows what mysteries today will hold. A God who can create and sustain such a beautiful masterpiece, is one who is worthy of my trust. If He can breathe such a glorious presentation into existence, not just once as a creation but each and every morning, the possibilities for my life must be endless. Happy Birthday Micah! And Happy Birthday Sun!

Backwash It Out

     "Backwash It Out” – that’s the theme of my vacation this year. Sitting in beautiful Topsail Island, NC, and I’m thinking about backwash. Lovely, isn’t it? Actually I’m thinking about the process I went through backwashing a friend’s pool for 3 weeks. It goes something like this – there’s a delicate balance in maintaining the pool water between the pH, chlorine, vacuuming and a host of other variables. Even when you are diligent with pool care, things like algae and bacteria grow. Therefore, there is a filter system in place. First, the pool water flows through a filter that traps the big stuff, and then the water runs through a hose where it goes to the pump. The pump brings it to another filter that removes algae and other "stuff" you may not see. Then clean water is re-circulated back into the pool. (That description may not be 100% technically accurate, but that's the gist of it.) All of the algae and "stuff" that was trapped has to come out of the pump hose some way; thus backwashing. You have to turn the pump off, turn the knob to backwash, and all of the nasty stuff in the pump hose flushes out through another hose and into the yard. And I mean nasty – green, small debris, disgusting… Once the water runs clear again, you do a rinse cycle to make sure all of the nasty is out of the line, then you put it back to the filter setting to start the process over again. This process is repeated about every other day to allow the pool pump and filter to operate at its optimum. And if you don’t backwash the pump, it can clog up the system causing the whole thing to fail.
      So as I was trying to downshift from everyday life to vacation mode, I kind of felt like I was in “no man’s land”. Ever feel that way – sort of mentally and emotionally clogged up? Like if you had to make one more decision or fight one more battle, you might just cease to operate. I realized I needed to just get rid of all the stuff that was clogging me up. Think about it - how often do we really backwash our lives? Our lives run at a delicate balance. We have to balance our faith, family, work, time, priorities, relationships, money, and more all at once. Each area impacts our lives and one thing can throw everything off balance - financial difficulty, rebellious child, marital problems, failing health, relationship issues, job loss, too many things coming at us at once…. As much as we try to keep the balance, "stuff" creeps in. Sometimes we see it, like the green algae on the side of the pool; other times we don’t see it at all, like the bacteria floating through the water. Regardless, in the process it’s being trapped in a filter and actually - it's trapping us.
      What do we do with it? Pool pumps don’t automatically backwash. Someone has to intentionally go through the process and make it happen. We’re the same way. We have to intentionally take time to wash out, or let go, of all that “stuff” that is clogging our lives so we can operate at our optimum. I’m not talking about the big stuff, although that is really important too. But I mean the little stuff – the annoyances that we hold onto, the way we let our circumstances rule us, the bitterness that we have allowed to take root, the pride that is covering our insecurities, the control we use to try and cancel out our fears, the anger and the walls that are destroying our relationships, the anxiety and the worry of wondering how everything is going to turn out, the addictions we use to cope. If we don’t backwash that stuff out of our lives, it will destroy us. It will eat us up from the inside out, and we will eventually fail. We can’t control everything, but we can choose to control what we hold onto and let reign in our lives. We can choose to take the time to backwash out the gunk before it clogs us into disrepair.
      This vacation, as I’m sitting on the beach, I’m choosing to backwash out the stuff. I’m focusing on God – He is my source of strength and stability – and I am focusing on my family – they are my main priority and the gift that God has given me. I’m backwashing out what has been clogging my lifelines and making me ineffective in my relationships. I encourage you to do that too. Maybe you can’t take a week vacation, but you can take an afternoon or a lunch-time vacation – its okay to take that time to yourself and process. Think, be honest with yourself, re-set your filters so you can go at optimum performance. What is it that is clogging your life line? What is keeping you stuck that you need to backwash out? I encourage you to find out what it is and start the backwash process.
~ What can you do when things go out of balance?  How can you rid of yourself of the gunk that creeps in and threatens to shut you down?  Set your filter to backwash and flush out the gunk that is trapping you. Let freshness and clarity be re-circulated back into your life. ~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Am A Beast

     Tonight is significant... I reached one of my fitness goals!  In "Journey to Health: Ready, Set, Go!", I share about my condition before I started exercising.  I literally couldn't run a 1/4 of block without my lungs seizing up.  In treadmill time, that translated to about 1 minute.  It was really bad and very discouraging.  But tonight, I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill!   Then I did 20 hard minutes on the eliptical, almost 10 minutes on the arc runner, then upper body weights.  Like I said, I am a beast!  :) 

     Why am I sharing this?  Because you can do this too.  It doesn't matter what your age is or what your current condition is - you CAN do it!  Start, be patient, push yourself a little - you are stronger than you think!   And before you know it, you will be passing your goals and setting new ones.  If you are interested, my goals are posted in "Journey to Health: Goals: Shoot and Score".

~ Remember, you are stronger than you think!  What are you waiting for? ~


Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Journey to Health Begins

     I’m excited to share about this journey. I've come to realize it isn't just about looking good or feeling good. It isn't a comparison game. It isn't even about size. It's about health. It's about enabling our bodies to work like the machines God created them to be. It's about playing with my kids and living long enough to play with my grandkids. It's about having the energy and focus to make it through each day. We all have a beginning to our journey. I hope you'll stop by "Journey to Health: Ready, Set, Go" to read mine. If your journey hasn't yet begun, today can be your day.