Friday, September 30, 2011

Focus on Your Prize

(This was written with teenagers in mind, but really goes for anyone.  Happy reading!)
     As I was pushing through my leg workout at the gym a couple weeks ago, my thoughts were crashed with the image of something that had recently disturbed me.  I have been working hard at the gym for a few months.  My body is toning up, my muscles are developing, my heart is strengthening… it’s been going great!  Well, I noticed another woman my age who has also been working out.  She started out with an entirely different body shape, more weight to lose, and I was really happy for her – until I saw her legs.  Her legs had more muscle definition than mine – like a lot more.   Pop!  Out came that green stripe of envy down my back.  And Boom!  Down crashed the self-confidence and self-esteem that I had developed from working so hard and getting results.  Once again, I didn’t measure up.  Someone was better than me.  I was not enough.   And as I was pushing through the leg curl machine, all those thoughts came crashing in like a tidal wave.  Until….  

      Until I heard that small voice say, “Don’t look to the left. Don’t look to the right. Look straight ahead. Focus on your prize.” Ouch – how many times have I given that piece of advice to others? It does us no good to play the comparison game. As a teenager, I had the self-esteem of a slug because I lost that game every time. There was always someone who was prettier, someone who had better clothes, someone who seemed to have more friends, someone who got better grades, someone who was way cooler than me…. Anything sound familiar? As an adult, because I didn’t squash it like a bug as a teen, I’ve got these negative tapes that still play in my head when I’m caught off guard. Who needs that?

      I sure don’t, and I believe that God used this petty example in my life to bring about something bigger. To remind you beautiful teenagers that God has a plan designed especially for you. Please - don’t look to the left or look to the right, or you will miss it. It’s so easy to get caught up in keeping up with your peers that you lose sight of your prize – of the hope and the total confidence that is only going to come from your relationship with Jesus. You are beautiful! Maybe your classmate is funnier – but maybe he is also lonely. Maybe the girl in your math class does dress better – but maybe she has a rotten relationship with her parents and the only way they show her love is by buying her things. Maybe that guy in science is really cool – but there’s a good chance he has no idea who he is. That’s part of being a teenager – no one really knows who they are. Everyone is searching, everyone is copying, some people just fake it better than others. Focus on your prize – discover who you are, realize how much God loves you and how precious you are to Him.
      As for me and my green stripe? I have washed my back and am looking straight ahead!
~ If you are comparing yourself to others and feeling that you don’t measure up, then stop. Literally, tell yourself “Stop” out loud if you have to.
Stop looking to the left and looking to the right.
Focus on your prize and God’s love for you. ~

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