Monday, December 12, 2011

Seasons Change

     Fall ended in perfection - a 70-degree day that turned into a cool night.  The day was spent helping neighbors rake leaves, the evening spent raking my own.  The kids on our street played great together all day, and we ended the night roasting marshmallows at the fire pit.  Everyone was sticky and dirty, exhausted and happy!  If only every season in my life ended so well!  Although I know that winter's sting is just around the corner, I am grateful for those very moments in time.  

     Something new that I've recently started is that when I experience something that just feels great and peaceful, I stop and thank God.  I thank Him for that very moment in time, what was happening, and the way it made me feel.  It's been transformational and helps me through frustrations and hard times alike.  It gives me that spring of hope, the reminder that - whatever it is - this too shall pass and even if it takes a while, there are still warm moments of summer woven throughout my life.

     A different season is coming to my blog too.  Lately, it seems like when I have something to post, it points back to my journey to health.  I have a few posts to put up (actually they may be on the subject as well...) but I'd like shift my focus and begin using my "Journey to Health" page to give you information about nutrition, fitness, and wholeness.  My journey isn't just physical; it's also mental, emotional, and spiritual - wholeness is the only way for the changes to stick.  Have you ever seen a workout DVD where the trainer tells you that you stink and are weak?  Of course not - that's because it all begins in your mind.  You have to think it, believe it, and live it for change to occur, whether it's in your workouts, your relationships, your self-esteem...whatever journey you're on. 

     One of the trainers at the gym inspired me after my back injury.  She told me that my body will be able to pick back up where I left off; I just needed to be patient.  It had been months since I had consistently been to the gym; I truly thought she was high on armpit fumes.  But you know what, she was right.  I took it slowly and carefully for a few weeks, and this Saturday I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill again and I felt like I could do more.  I was back to where I was before I got hurt.  Tonight, I ran 2 miles. Truthfully, I probably would have given up at some point if she hadn't given me that encouragement and hope.  I didn't think I would ever feel strong again, I didn't think I would ever be able to work out like I had been.  Her encouragement and positive spirit put it in my mind and gave me the hope to entertain the thought, and now I believe.  Part of me living it is sharing my journey with you. 

     Please continue to visit and find the hope and inspiration that you need to start or to keep going on your own personal journey.  I'll be giving you information you can use and also some positive and encouraging thoughts and experiences.  (Eventually, I will be combining some of my current pages and adding some pics, so it may look different soon.)  Here's to a new season!

If you've ever people watched, then you know there is an astounding number of people in our nation who are unhealthy.  Let's make a change, starting with our corner of the world. 

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