Sunday, December 25, 2011

Footprints of A Classmate

     Facebook is a great tool for re-connecting with people from your past.  Quite a few of my classmates have taken inspirational paths, either in their careers or in their personal lives.  A couple of classmates grabbed my attention because of their devotion to fitness.  One who inspired me greatly is Vanessa.  

     Vanessa and I became friends in middle school.  However, like in many young friendships, we made other friends and developed different interests.   We never become best friends, but I believe there was always a mutual liking and respect that lasted through high school.  I always saw Vanessa as someone who was kind and genuine.  I will never forget pulling up for my 10th high school reunion.  It was August, and I was 6 months pregnant with my first child.  My husband and I had just driven 4 hours in the summer heat with no air conditioning; aka – windows down.  Remind you, it was the early 90’s.  Remember all that big hair?  Well, suffice it to say I was not a pretty sight.   I got the duty of checking into the hotel while he parked, and I remember saying, “If I run into anyone, I’ll just die.”   And guess who I ran into…Vanessa and her friends.  I tried to blink twice to be invisible, but that didn’t work.  And it’s okay because I’ll never forget how genuinely excited she was to see me.  “Hey guys look! It’s Rickie!”  I think the earth swallowed me up right then – or maybe I just wished it did.   Every time I look back on that, though, my heart is warmed.   It’s one of those times that “made a difference”.

     So it was extra cool for me when I saw Vanessa’s Facebook pictures.  Simply, she and her husband are part of a team, and they train and race in triathlons.  Here I was, 14 years later, feeling like I was starting down the slippery slope, and there she was going up the slope full speed.  She looked great, she was part of a team, and she was also using this gift to raise awareness for a cause she believed in.  I loved all of those things!   I could see from her pictures that it took a lot of time and dedication, but I could also see that it brought her joy.  Although I never took the time or courage to ask her much about it, she inspired me.  I wanted a piece of that! 

     Vanessa is fighting her own personal battle right now.  We are kind of formal in our communications, but I can tell that she is a fighter, that she is strong, and that she will overcome.   Sometimes when I am in spin class and I feel like giving up, I think of her - knowing how hard she must have trained and knowing how much she probably wishes she could right now.  But I am confident that if she hasn’t already begun, she will be one day soon.

     So, I dedicate this post to Vanessa, in thanks, for leaving me footprints that I can follow on my journey.

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