Saturday, January 28, 2012

Footprints of Friends

     This is the last post in my 3-part series “Footprints” - people who have inspired me on my journey to health.   Starting on any journey can be scary and difficult; that’s why it’s so important to find others who have either gone before you or are walking beside you to spur you on.  Their path can give you motivation to keep going or work harder when the going gets tough.  As you can read from my other posts “Footprints of a Classmate” and “Footprints of a Husband”, they can be from anywhere in your life.  (Even on tv – Jillian Michaels, I want your abs!)  Sometimes the people who inspire us are right before our eyes.  Like my friend Claire, who has tirelessly taught a First Place for Health Sunday School class for several years.  Her passion and her commitment for bringing women into wholeness, not just giving diet tips, pushes me to press on and to make a difference in the lives of others.  As a full-time executive and mother of three, Claire has introduced a “boot camp” at 7 am on Saturday mornings and is changing women inch by inch, pound by pound, spirit by spirit.   Claire truly walks her talk, and I admire her greatly.  Or my friend Jen.  When Jen and I first became friends about 10 years ago, she was a self-proclaimed couch potato.   With 3 kids and her youngest in diapers, she routinely said, “nah” to exercise.  Jen and her husband recently completed their first marathon, and I am so proud of her! The health switch just flipped on for her, and she hasn’t looked back.  She’s a great example to many women, to her children, and to their friends.  I admire her self-discipline and commitment.   And finally, my friend Ashley.  I’ve always loved Ashley’s creativity and her spirit.  When I was thinking of joining a gym, she’s the one who convinced me and now we go to the same gym, along with about 6 other people that we know.  She’s not afraid to work hard, and she pushes others towards achieving by her example. She also just recently started a photography business Ashley Elaine Photography (yes, that was a shameless plug), and I am so proud of her.  She kicked fear out the door and went for it. 

     So to my friends, for your genuine-ness, your tenacity, and your courage – thank you for laying down your footprints and inspiring me on this journey!

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