Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pull Up Your Bootstraps

     For many people, the new year means a time for resolutions and new beginnings.  We already know this, so let’s just cut to the chase….

If you want new beginnings and you want change to occur in your life,
YOU have to be the driver.  No one can do it for you.

     This is true whether you are reading this in January or October.  It all begins with you!  Albert Einstein once said: 

“Insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.”

     So if you want to succeed in your resolutions and experience new beginnings, jump off the crazy train and make some changes. Pull up your bootstraps and get busy with… 

…your mind – You can try to make all of the changes you want, but without a change in your thought patterns, you will be defeated. Thought tapes from the past need to go and new ones need to be made. Think positively.  Use empowering action words that give you direction and vision.  Live in the present.  Yesterday is past, it’s gone, it’s over, let it go – today is new.  Wrap your mind around it and embrace it.

…your emotions – Your thoughts also affect your emotions.  In fact, thoughts and emotions are like peanut butter and jelly; they simply go together.  Make up your mind that you are going to own your emotions.  Excuses and blame no longer have a place.  Your emotions belong to you.  Release what is dragging you down and replace it with positive, life-breathing determination and passion.

…your body – You only get one body. Make up your mind that you are going to take care of it.  (See how it all goes back to your mind?)  Start by getting a complete physical from your doctor(s).  Then make other small adjustments to your lifestyle like:  get moving doing something you enjoy, not endure; drink plenty of water; nix the soda, even if it’s diet; ditch the extra sweets, treats, and drinks; drink plenty of water; use smaller portions and add green to your meals; and finally, make nutritional substitutions – steamed or grilled instead of fried, an egg white veggie flatbread instead of an egg, bacon, and cheese biscuit, whole wheat bread instead of white, vinaigrette dressing on the side instead of a creamy dressing bath. Oh, and did I mention drink plenty of water?

     Overwhelmed?  Don’t be - remember from my post “Seasons Change”, for changes to stick they need to be approached holistically. You have to think it, believe it, and live it for change to occur. This is a journey.  Every change doesn’t need to be made at once, and permanent change doesn’t occur overnight. If you have a bad day, no big deal - begin new the next day and keep looking forward.  The key is that YOU have to do it. 

     It is your life, your mind, your body, your emotions – own up! Throw off your excuses and empower yourself because no one can make these changes for you. Pull up your bootstraps and get started today!

~Take an inventory of where you are and where you want to be. Make a plan on how you will get there. Include excuses that you use and other roadblocks and what you are going to do to circumvent them.  You can do this! ~

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